My name is Malgosia (Mal-go-sha) Kostecka (co-stec-Ka). I'm a visual storyteller, lettering enthusiast, and darn good notetaker.
From a young age, I was fascinated by the way images create a universal language.
My goal is to capture visual notes for the most impactful speakers in the world, while sharing tips and tricks on visual thinking along the way!
If you're looking to kick start your digital graphic recording practice in the app Procreate, this bundle's got you covered.
Get the custom brushes and color palettes that I use.

Collect my library of digital icons and add them to your canvas with the tap of your stylus.
These are a game changer for pre-charting and adding images quickly without having to draw anything!

Get the brushes I created for digital graphic recording
Get my hand-drawn images as stamps you can add to your canvas